Have you had your superfood smoothie today?
Body Fat
Chemicals and toxic heavy metals to which we are sometimes exposed that can lead to disease and degeneration. The most common and well studied is mercury. Lead can also be a major problem in some industries. Mercury is an extremely toxic heavy metal that can lead to neuro-degeneration as well as musculoskeletal disease. There are several tests that can be done to assess each individuals load or burden of toxic heavy metals. One involves hair analysis and another is a blood test.
In the absence of laboratory testing, there’s a number of excellent detoxification therapies that one can engage in which will dramatically lower your toxic heavy metal burden. We also encourage every patient to get a colonic or begin doing coffee enemas which have been shown to safely and gently detoxify the entire colon.
At Nutritional Medicine, our passion is to help you take charge of how you look and feel. We know that most people have limited time to address their health so we have designed a system to cleanse the entire body without drastic diets or fanatical fasting. After 20 years of helping chronically ill patients, we are confident that cleansing and detoxifying the colon, the liver and the gallbladder dramatically affects the whole body. The result of the Peak Performance Body Cleanse is great energy, improved sleep, better digestion, less bloating and healthier looking skin.
When is the last time you gave your body a tune-up or an oil change? We all know that our cars need this kind of regular maintenance but how many of us know that our colon, our liver and our gallbladder need a regular cleanse or flush to function properly? Many people end up in the ER with gallbladder disease or colon cancer that would have been largely avoidable had they simply done the Peak Performance Body Cleanse.
The Peak Performance Body Detoxification is a gentle yet effective whole body detox flush that really works to turn back the clock of pre-mature aging.
We have never found a whole body cleanse that so positively affects our long term health and performance that will flush and detoxify the colon, the liver and the gallbladder as thoroughly as the Peak Performance Body Detoxification. To reverse years of accumulated toxic waste in our bodies, we must take a proactive approach to cleansing these important organs that are critical to good health.
The Peak Performance Body Cleanse is a 10 day whole body detox flush that thoroughly cleanses the colon, the liver and the gallbladder. We are confident that once you have completed this cleanse, you will see and feel the difference. When it comes to our body and our health, none of us can afford to neglect this amazing gift from God.
By Roni Caryn Rabin
In a study, those who ate more organic produce, dairy, meat and other products had 25 percent fewer cancer diagnoses over all, especially lymphoma and breast cancer.
People who buy organic food are usually convinced it’s better for their health, and they’re willing to pay dearly for it. But until now, evidence of the benefits of eating organic has been lacking.
Now a new French study that followed 70,000 adults, most of them women, for five years has reported that the most frequent consumers of organic food had 25 percent fewer cancers over all than those who never ate organic. Those who ate the most organic fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat and other foods had a particularly steep drop in the incidence of lymphomas, and a significant reduction in postmenopausal breast cancers.
The magnitude of protection surprised the study authors. “We did expect to find a reduction, but the extent of the reduction is quite important,” said Julia Baudry, the study’s lead author and a researcher with the Center of Research in Epidemiology and Statistics Sorbonne Paris Cité of the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research. She noted the study does not prove an organic diet causes a reduction in cancers, but strongly suggests “that an organic-based diet could contribute to reducing cancer risk.”
The study, published Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine, was paid for entirely by public and government funds.
Nutrition experts from Harvard who wrote a commentary accompanying the study expressed caution, however, criticizing the researchers’ failure to test pesticide residue levels in participants in order to validate exposure levels. They called for more long-term government-funded studies to confirm the results.
“From a practical point of view, the results are still preliminary, and not sufficient to change dietary recommendations about cancer prevention,” said Dr. Frank B. Hu, one of the authors of the commentary and the chairman of the department of nutrition at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
He said it was more important for Americans to simply eat more fruits and vegetables, whether the produce is organic or not, if they want to prevent cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends consuming a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains instead of refined grains and limited amounts of red meat, processed meat and added sugars.
Dr. Hu called for government bodies like the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Agriculture to fund research to evaluate the effects of an organic diet, saying there is “strong enough scientific rationale, and a high need from the public health point of view.”
The only other large study that has asked participants about organic food consumption with reference to cancer was a large British studyfrom 2014. While it found a significantly lower risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma among women who said they usually or always ate organic food, it also found a higher rate of breast cancers in the organic consumers — and no overall reduction in cancer risk.
The authors of that study, known as the Million Women study, said at the time that wealthier, more educated women in the study, who were more likely to purchase organic food, also had risk factors that increase the likelihood of having breast cancer, such as having fewer children and higher alcohol consumption.
The organic food market has been growing in recent years, both in Europe and the United States. Sales of organic food increased to $45.2 billion last year in the United States, according to the Organic Trade Association’s 2018 survey.
For food to be certified organic by the Department of Agriculture, produce must be grown without the use of most synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and may not contain genetically modified organisms. Meat must be produced by raising animals fed organic food without the use of hormones or antibiotics. Such items now represent 5.5 percent of all food sold in retail outlets, according to the organic trade group.
A representative of the Alliance for Food and Farming, a group that seeks to allay public concerns about pesticides, said consumers should not worry about cancer risks from consuming conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables. “Decades of peer-reviewed nutritional studies largely conducted using conventionally grown produce have shown that eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables prevents diseases, like cancer, and leads to a longer life,” its executive director, Teresa Thorne, said in an emailed statement.
For the study, researchers recruited 68,946 volunteers who were 44, on average, when the study began. The vast majority, 78 percent, were women.
Participants provided detailed information about how frequently they consumed 16 different types of organic foods. The researchers asked about a wide range of foods, including fruits, vegetables, dairy and soy products, meat, fish and eggs, as well as grains and legumes, bread and cereals, flour, oils and condiments, wine, coffee and teas, biscuits and chocolate and sugar, and even dietary supplements. Study volunteers provided three 24-hour records of their intake, including portion sizes, over a two-week period.
The information was far more detailed than that provided by participants in the British Million Women study, who responded to only a single question about how often they ate organic.
Participants in the French study also provided information about their general health status, their occupation, education, income and other details, like whether they smoked. Since people who eat organic food tend to be health-conscious and may benefit from other healthful behaviors, and also tend to have higher incomes and more years of education than those who don’t eat organic, the researchers made adjustments to account for differences in these characteristics, as well as such factors as physical activity, smoking, use of alcohol, a family history of cancer and weight.
Even after these adjustments, the most frequent consumers of organic food had 76 percent fewer lymphomas, with 86 percent fewer non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, and a 34 percent reduction in breast cancers that develop after menopause.
The reductions in lymphomas may not be all that surprising. Epidemiological studies have consistently found a higher incidence of some lymphomas among people like farmers and farm workers who are exposed to certain pesticides through their work.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified two pesticides commonly used in farming — malathion and diazinon, as well as the herbicide glyphosate — as probable human carcinogens, and linked all three to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
One reason an organic diet may reduce breast cancer risk is because many pesticides are endocrine disruptors that mimic estrogen function, and hormones play a causal role in breast cancer.
If so, then we would love to help you achieve that goal as quickly and efficiently as possible while assuring you lasting success.
In order for you to be committed and exercise consistent discipline in our program, it is essential that you understand why you’re doing the things we’ve asked you to do. This will require that you understand a little about how this machine we call “the body” actually works before the magic can take place.
Water: Your Body Cries Out for More and It’s Absolutely Critical to Increase Your Metabolic Furnace.
One of the most important secrets to getting fit fast is to drink plenty of water! It’s been estimated that over 75% of the population consume less than half of the water that they should for optimum health.
Some of the symptoms associated with sub-clinical dehydration are dry, damaged and prematurely aged skin, thinning hair, constipation, acne, idiopathic dermatitis, impaired digestive function, hemorrhoids and systemic toxicity. Even slight dehydration can zap your energy and cause fatigue.
The Benefits of Water:
Since our entire body mass is 70% water, it only makes sense to replenish what is lost from urination, sweating and metabolic functions. Drinking plenty of water is one of the smartest things one can do to help reduce excess stored body fat and improve the metabolism. Inadequate water intake can seriously damage your kidneys and make the job of balancing fluids much more difficult for your body.
If you’re wondering how much you need to drink each day, take your body weight and divide it in half and that gives you the number of ounces you need to consume per day. So if you weigh 140 pounds, then you need 70 ounces of water per day, which equates to almost 2 liters.
Remind yourself… Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Carry a bottle of water with you as you drive to work, run errands or enjoy the day at the pool; and no, this is not just a California thing. When you exercise, always bring a bottle of water with you and drink small amounts frequently. Don’t underestimate the amount of fluids lost from sweating.
If you need to, set an alarm twice a day to remind yourself to drink more water. If you’re one of those people who I’ve heard say, “I just don’t like water,” find a water that tastes better to you and begin telling yourself and others that you changed your mind and you really do like good tasting water. One thing is certain, your body will love you for it!
Never drink tap water, which contains over 2,000 known contaminants! Either purchase a reverse osmosis purification system for your home or buy Arrowhead Springs or Sparkletts bottled water in the store.
A great health hint is to go straight to your kitchen first thing in the morning when you wake up and drink a large glass of water since you’re dehydrated after hibernating for 6-8 hours. After your shower and getting ready for work, you may want to drink one more before you leave the house. In this way, you’ve already drank one-fourth of your daily intake, which will make the rest of the day simpler!
Become A Fat Burning Machine by Fueling Your Body with Protein & A Limited Amount of Complex Carbohydrates
The second secret to permanent body fat loss is eating starches throughout the day. Starches you say — isn’t that fattening? Not only are starches not fattening, they are the fat burners! They are also an excellent source of slow burning fuel for the body. However, you must know the right kind of starches to eat.
The best way to kill the cravings is to eat a complex carbohydrate every 4-6 hours throughout the day, especially the slow-burning, fat-burning starches — whole grains, beans and potatoes.
Your brain and central nervous system are fueled by one thing only— sugar (that’s been broken down from a complex carbohydrate) The first symptoms to appear from a lack of complex carbohydrates, (the technical term for starches) is altered or impaired psychological and emotional function. The most common are impaired short-term memory and cognitive dysfunction. Many people never stop to ask themselves why they always seem to be so forgetful — probably because they forget a few minutes later that they forgot something a couple minutes earlier!
Exercise is absolutely essential to looking and feeling your very best. If you consider your fitness training a privileged activity that you “treat yourself to,” then you can once again take pride in your physical appearance and feel really good about yourself.
High intensity weight training combined with cardiovascular exercise has been demonstrated to be the most effective way to increase lean muscle and decrease stored body fat.
Exercise tells your body that muscle is more valuable than fat. After all, why should your body keep its muscle if it’s not being used? When you apply our Ten Secrets To Getting Fit Fast, you’ll no longer be a slave to your body; you’ll be in control of it! You will never have to fear regaining the body fat that you burned off because you have programmed your body to keep muscle and use fat for energy through aerobic exercise and good individualized eating habits.
During every workout, you flush and drain the sewage system of your body, otherwise known as the lymphatic system, which carries waste products away from the muscles, glands and organs of your body. The only pump that this system has to activate this lymphatic drainage is your muscle contraction. This health benefit is a magnificent side effect of weight and cardiovascular training.
The bad fat clogs your liver and sticks to your hips and waist!
The Good Fat, Believe It Or Not, Actually Helps You Lose Body Fat!
Many diet promoters mislead the public by scaring them regarding the fats and oils they consume. Some promote an almost “fat-free” concept. Still others go so far as to say, “Eat any kind of fat you want, as long as it’s only 30% of your caloric intake.” All of these are fads and are not great advice.
Balance is the secret to the right fats and oils you consume and you need to understand that fats and oils contain essential fatty acids or EFA’s. This term indicates that certain compounds within certain fats and oils are absolutely essential for physiological function and without them we will have disease associated with EFA deficiency/insufficiency.
Interestingly, with as many overweight people as we have in America, EFA deficiency/insufficiency is epidemic in this culture. Not only are people eating the wrong fats and oils such as too much red meat, pork, deep fried foods, mayonnaise, margarine etc., they’re also not consuming the good fats and oils such as olive oil, flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, fish, raw nuts and avocado.
Unfortunately, many people don’t understand how this machine we call the body actually works. When you deprive the body of the good fats and oils, your body tends to hold on to its reserves and not let go of it. This is a built-in survival mechanism. Many people have been told that eating any kind of fat will feed your fat cells but this is simply not true.
All fat is not dealt with in the same way by your body.
Certain fats like those from land animals, which are saturated, tend to be stored more easily by the body and also give rise to pro-inflammatory hormones. Other fats like fish oil, flax oil and olive oil have a cleansing effect throughout your entire body similar to giving your car engine an oil change. These “good oils” also give rise to the anti-inflammatory hormones in your body. So you can see why the wrong balance of fats and oils in your body can make you feel so bad and look old while the right balance will make you feel great, increase your metabolic rate and make you look young again!
Bringing Your Body Back To Balance
How to Measure Your pH
Calcium is the gatekeeper of the cell and key buffer that helps maintain the acid/alkaline balance and helps neutralize the many acids and toxins we are exposed to.
Tradition and habit is sometimes our greatest enemy, since most of us grew up in a home where dinner was the main meal and certainly the largest of the three. Eating a large meal, especially containing meat at night and then going to sleep with a full stomach, is one of the best ways to gain excess body fat and extend your waistline!
This is one of the biggest reasons why there are so many over-weight Americans today. In other cultures where they make their lunch their main meal they do not suffer from excess fat storage to nearly the same extent as we do in America.
In the morning and early afternoon, your digestive enzymes are secreted more efficiently and therefore maximal absorption and utilization of your dietary fats, carbohydrates and proteins takes place earlier in the day.
Your breakfast and lunch should ideally be your larger meals and your dinner on the smaller side. This plan will help you to accumulate less body fat and will begin to mobilize the excess body fat that’s already there.
Eat more great tasting food and lose your excess body fat! The worst thing you can do is to eat all your food for the day in 1-2 meals. It’s disastrous to your metabolism! Eating several times throughout the day — but smaller meals — rather than one or two meals has been shown to block the increase of body fat. Do not underestimate the importance of secret #6 to getting fit fast!
This could prove to be one of the most important secrets for reaching your goal quickly since eating a large meal right before you go to bed causes the food to putrefy in your intestine and not be absorbed and utilized by your body efficiently. We don’t digest food as efficiently late at night— especially if it’s cooked food. Also, your metabolic rate is decreased in the evening since your energy demands are diminished; so that big meal you eat at 10:00 PM will stay in your intestine much longer causing very restless sleep and making you feel groggy and unrested when you have to wake up in the morning. This is one reason many people feel more tired when they wake up than when they go to bed at night. That meal sitting in your gut creates a state of acidosis in your body all night long, lowering your tissue oxygen and making you feel totally lethargic in the morning. Doyourself a huge favor and make an effort to eat a smaller dinner 1-2 hours earlier than you normally do if you’re one of those who tend to eat late at night. An added secret is to eat a good meal at 6:00 PM so you won’t be so hungry at 9:00-10:00 in the evening. Secret #7 carries enormous health benefits that will make you feel great while also helping you to get fit fast!
But you’re thinking, “Isn’t salt bad for you?” The answer is NO! Salt is essential for normal physiological function. But we are talking about “good salt.” Good salt is unheated, sun-dried only — not kiln dried in at 800-1000 degrees F. Studies indicate that this highly heated salt does not break down in the body and is associated with high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, kidney disease and many other ailments. Natural, unheated salt is not associated with these disorders and is actually healing and regenerating to your body. Many people erroneously think they get more than enough sodium in their food, however the salt that is in all fast food and restaurant food is unabsorbable and dangerous to the body.
Once you begin to avoid fast foods and highly processed foods, you will want to add the good salt to your food.
If you deprive your body of the “good salt”, you shut down your digestion and then cannot absorb and utilize your food.
Research shows that regular commercial salt from you local supermarket is harmful to the human body, but not so with natural, unheated seasalt. Salt is chemically known as sodium chloride. The sodium fraction is necessary for proper nerve transmission throughout the body and is critical for normal fluid balance in your body. The chloride fraction is necessary for your stomach to build hydrochloric acid, which initiates protein breakdown. Eating plenty of vegetables helps provide an excellent source of organic sodium to your body but unfortunately most of us do not consume enough of these mineral rich vegetables. Adding some unheated natural salt to your food will actually activate your digestion and help you to lose your excess body fat!
The Three Roadblocks That Prevent the Burning of Body Fat!
The three most specific factors of impaired metabolic function — otherwise known as too much body fat — are deficiency, toxicity and infection. These three areas of your health directly affect your metabolism, and we will help you to address them by tailoring your program for you as an individual.
Another interesting fact is that chemicals are stored in your liver and your body fat! Therefore the more chemicals the more difficult it is for your liver to metabolize dietary fats and oils. You then accumulate more body fat, which in turn has the ability to attract more chemicals. So you can see this is a terrible “catch 22.” But don’t worry. We’ve got the solution!
The answer is absolutely yes! Many researchers consider nutritional deficiencies to be the most under-diagnosed and ignored factors at the root of most health problems. Well-designed nutritional supplement programs using products that really work carry the greatest potential for restoring health in the growing number of overweight and chronically ill people.
Over the years, whenever the subject of vitamins comes up, most of us have heard people make two common statements that we believe can be demonstrated to be completely false and erroneous.
The first statement you often hear is, “My doctor told me that you get all the vitamins you need in your food.” The second statement that usually follows it is, “Besides, if you take vitamin supplements, you’ll just urinate them away.”
Both of these are erroneous assumptions. Do we really get all the vitamins we need from the food we eat? Evidently a majority of the American public don’t think so since vitamin supplements have been steadily and dramatically on the rise for the past 20 years. Vitamins are not the only nutrients necessary to prevent disease much less promote optimal function in the human body. Other nutrients that are absolutely essential are minerals, fatty acids and trace elements.
Nutrient levels in our soil have significantly declined over the past 30-40 years due to agrichemical use such as pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and synthetic fertilizers leading to severely depleted soil incapable of sustaining healthy plants. Composition analysis of plant foods have been conducted at several trace element testing laboratories and have shown many nutrients to be depleted from the plants and the soil they are grown in by as much as 50-75%.
In our increasingly polluted and toxic environment, it’s been shown that our needs for specific nutrients is dramatically increased which is the opposite that we see in our food supply which begs the question, where are you going to get the nutrients if they’re not in the food?
To make matters worse, the average person eats the Standard American Diet, abbreviated S.A.D. which in itself describes the sad state of our food supply. So as far as getting all the vitamins and other nutrients you need in your food, I think the evidence easily destroys that myth.
What we have in our country is an over-consumptive under-nutrition dietary intake. Calorie dense but nutrient poor—too much of too little. The solution is to consume more nutrient dense foods at each and every meal and then supplement what we know is missing in the food supply no matter how healthy we eat.
So the take away is this: Studies reveal that the soil is severely depleted and our toxic environment requires an increased need for most nutrients — not less of them. Lastly, Just because vitamins like the water you drink both end up in the urine doesn’t mean they did not do something positive and essential on their way through—in fact, they absolutely do!
2) Go to bed one to two hours earlier than you usually do for a few days in a row and then
begin to do so on a regular basis.
3) East a complex carbohydrate at breakfast and lunch each day.
Your body is the most complex machine on the planet; exponentially exceeding the complexity of the
most sophisticated super computer ever built.
Even though your body is very “forgiving” and possesses a great degree of redundancy and
resiliency, there are certain absolute requirements that must be met or your body will go into a
state of decreased metabolic function.
It’s been said that you can survive about 40-60 days without food — these days you’d have to be
quite healthy to do that. You can only survive 3-4 days without water and only a minute or two
without oxygen. This gives us some idea of the priority system of the body and how important it is
to provide these primary nutrients to our bodies.
• The Water: Most people don’t know that sub-optimal water intake will cause general muscle
weakness, lethargy and fatigue. Water is the electrolytic media of your body and just like the
battery in your car, it won’t start the engine without water. Similarly, your body won’t run with
peak performance without adequate water. Drinking more water to help eliminate fatigue is a really
simple solution.
• The Sleep: Nothing will replace the sleep your body needs! If you deprive your body of
sleep, it will deprive you of that energy and vitality that you once enjoyed. If you don’t believe
us, do a little experiment and go to bed 1-2 hours earlier 3 nights in a row and see for yourself.
If you have trouble falling to sleep, read a book for a few minutes. Without a doubt you will see
and feel the difference.
• The Starch: Many people don’t realize that human beings are bioelectrical machines. We are
also certainly biochemical machines but the electrical aspect is often not discussed. The nervous
system permeates every tissue of our body. As we said earlier, the two primary nutrients for
electrical potential and proper nerve conduction are water and sugar (broken down from complex
Sodium and potassium are of course essential, but are not usually the rate-limiting nutrients
involved in fatigue although sometimes potassium is severely insufficient and impairs energy and optimal function. So think of starch (carbohydrates) — in the form of baked potatoes, yams, brown rice, quinoa, millet, buckwheat etc. — as your solid
rocket fuel.
If you want to be a highly functioning machine, start to fuel your body at least as well as you
fuel your car.
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to look so long and lean and others have more of a pear shaped body with legs? It’s important to understand that we are all genetically unique in terms of our anatomy and therefore the degree to which we can change our physique is limited.Having said that, with determination and discipline, it’s truly amazing what I’ve seen people accomplish in changing their appearance. So the concept is to take what God has given each one of us, and optimize it through fitness and good nutritional habits. Although we inherit a particular metabolism based on our genetic uniqueness which we received from mom and dad, a big part of our body mass index and our percentage of body fat is due to eating habits and other lifestyle habits that we’ve adopted early on and engaged in for years. In other words, it’s not an accident that we have the body that we have. As a former fitness trainer, I’ve had the opportunity to work with many clients who wanted to transform their physique to become leaner and tighter. It’s truly magical to see the change in a person’s confidence when they feel better about their body.
Simply put, if you fail to plan for your fitness and health, you plan to fail. Many people talk a lot about what they’re going to do to get in shape but as one philosopher put it, “When all is said and done, there is always more said than done.” A friend of mine once told me that every time he got the urge to exercise, he would lay down until it passed.
A goal is nothing more than putting a dream into action. Writing down a specific short range and long range goal related to your fitness and health will allow you to pursue that goal with laser-like determination. We don’t try to attain a goal–we train to attain the goal. It’s not about trying, it’s about training.
It is important that you have a vision of what you want your body to look like. What specific areas do you want to trim down and tone up? Let your trainer know very clearly what you’d like to accomplish so that he or she can help you realize that goal. This is a PERSONAL Fitness Program, which means that it’s all about YOU and YOUR goals. Remember though, if you aim at nothing, you’ll inevitably hit it!
We cannot go into the cells of our bodies with genetic scissors and snip out faulty genes but we can modify the expression of potentially faulty genes that lead to excess body fat accumulation.
In recent years, we have learned how to manipulate the metabolism through dietary intake and nutritional intervention:
What that means in terms of nutrition is that the food of one can be the poison of another. This is why the idea of an ideal diet for all people is a myth. So the basic concept is that we all have biochemical strengths and weaknesses. The weaknesses we refer to as biochemical Achilles heels. The strengths may be thought of as designer genes.
Biochemical Individuality depends upon our genetic uniqueness and leads to biochemical strengths and weaknesses. This concept of Biochemical Individuality was first proposed by Dr. Rodger Williams and when he first started talking about this idea, it was not well accepted by the scientific community. It was thought that we all have 10 fingers, 10 toes and 2 eyes and therefore the difference from person to person biochemically is not that great. For years, the medical establishment taught that people were all basically average in their characteristics and it was from those principles that the RDA’s were established. Dr. Williams passed away several years ago at over 90 years of age and he made an interesting statement years ago. He said, “Nutrition is for real people—statistical humans are of little interest.” You know, in school, they teach you a lot about statistical humans but in the real world, you don’t see statistically average people. I’ve seen people who get eczema, arthritis, bunions, shin splints, headaches, backaches. In other words, everyone is uniquely different.
The question that everyone asks is, are we doomed to an early death because of our genetics? Unfortunately, none of us got to fill out a wish list when the sperm met the egg. We simply got what we did and we’ve been working with it ever since. Defending against disease and promoting health really go hand in hand. Defending against disease simply means that you reduce the risk of the major degenerative diseases such as coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and cancer. So for people who have susceptibility factors to these degenerative diseases, we lower the risk of those factors using nutritional medicine and lifestyle habits.
Based upon our genetic uniquenesses, we all have specific biochemical strengths and weaknesses. The strengths are those areas that lead to resiliency. The weaknesses lead to an elevated risk to these various diseases but they are not a death sentence in and of themselves. Just because you have a family history of a disease indicating that you have a genetic risk to that disease does not in and of itself dictate that you are going to get that disease.
There’s a behavioral/habitual component to eating and to our entire dietary lifestyle which requires each one of us to take an honest assessment of why we make certain food choices and not others. You can eat for pleasure, you can eat to survive or you can eat to win. Many of us are pleasure-seekers and we simply eat the foods that taste good to us regardless of their inherent risk or value. Some are indifferent to food and simply eat to survive, not putting a great deal of thought into what they’re even putting into their bodies. And finally, some people raise their consciousness to actually ask the intelligent question of what’s the best food to eat in order to win the race of life. These are the ones who enjoy great energy, excellent immunity, get good sleep and come to appreciate that we are what we eat. Remember: it’s not merely the food in your life that matters, it’s the life in your food. What is your food doing for you? How is it helping you? Or is what you’re eating possibly hurting you?
Are You Always Looking for That One “Unique” Diet That Will Finally Work for You? If so, stop looking because diets don’t work, can’t work and will never work. Why? Because they’re always temporary and do not encourage long term adherence leading to lasting success. In fact, we consider the word “diet” a dirty word! In the realm of nutritional science, the word “diet” is defined as the food that you eat on a daily basis as part of your lifestyle. This word, however, has taken on the meaning of “a temporary eating regimen intended to help one lose wait.” This is why, in order to avoid confusion, we have chosen to use the phrase “good eating habits” throughout this booklet. The word “diet” has a negative connotation for many people since most of them have done the “Dieting routine” many times resulting in disappointment and failure. It’s truly amazing that in an age of scientific enlightenment, so many people are still duped, deluded and deceived by mass marketing of various diets that are long on promises but short on results and which almost always lead to “diet burnout.” The psychology of diets is based on the maxim of taking the path of least resistance — that “new pill” or the “new powdered drink.” These are dishonest marketing schemes because they are not addressing the necessary core issue of behavior modification. This is far more important and requires modifying the way we think about food and what we’re going to eat from meal to meal.
Start Applying 21st Century Knowledge to Reducing Your Body Fat.
Begin by avoiding diet burnout. Dieting deals with weight-loss instead of fat-loss. When you subject yourself to pre-processed foods, low-calorie meals, liquid diets, meal substitutes or diet pills, you might lose a little fat but you’ll also lose 25-30 percent muscle — the very tissue that is responsible for burning fat!
At Nutritional Medicine, we won’t write out a “diet” for you, ask you about your “diet” or even check up on you to see if you’re staying on your “diet.” We will, however, provide you with well-researched, scientifically based guidelines of “good eating habits” which you can then adopt and incorporate into your lifestyle. “Good eating habits” are normative, reflexive behavior that you don’t have to think about — it just simply becomes habit because you know there is a pay off immediately and down the road — short term and long term. That payoff is looking and feeling your very best!
The idea of one ideal diet or for that matter ideal eating habits for everyone is a myth. You are genetically unique and that is what gives you your “biochemical individuality.” This individual uniqueness determines what ratio of fats, carbohydrates and protein is most appropriate and compatible for you.
It is our job to give you the general concepts and guidelines that will lead you in the right direction and be in the best interest of your genes. Eating a lot of highly saturated or hydrogenated fat, white flour and sugar is certainly not in the best interest of anyone’s genes.
The Real Secret To Reducing Stored Body Fat and Increasing Lean Muscle
The real secret is in asking a different question. The most important question is not so much what ratio of fats, carbohydrates and protein to eat, though that is important. The real issue that is critically important is what kind of fats, what kind of carbohydrates and what kind of protein is best to achieve the goal of looking and feeling great. Remember, all fats, carbohydrates and proteins are not created equal!
Your body stores fat for energy. When you starve it by eating fewer calories, it adapts by slowing itself down, breaking down muscle and replacing it with fat for survival. You actually teach your body that fat is more important than muscle! When you stop the diet and start to eat normally, your body will naturally take all those extra calories above the amount you were eating on your diet and turn them into fat. It will continue until it gets back to your original weight, plus more, anticipating the next time you put your body through another deprivation cycle. Statistics reveal that 99% of those people who were on a conventional diet put all their weight back on within the first year after stopping the diet! To make matters worse, it also gets harder and harder to reduce excess body fat in the future because you keep losing muscle tissue on each diet!
Cows Milk — which includes non-fat, low fat, whole or even dried milk. The most respected experts in nutrition and fitness all agree on this one, and they will tell you, “If you want to weigh 300 lbs., then drink milk!” Cows milk is for baby cows, period! No other animal on the planet, other than us brilliant humans, drinks the milk of another species of animal. The protein is not compatible with the human intestine and immune system.
Additionally, cows milk contains significant levels of hormones necessary to turn a 120 pound calf at birth into a 1,000 pound heifer in a couple of years! Bessie sure isn’t gaining that kind of weight by just eating grass!
French Fries — which have been deep-fried in rancid oil that’s been heated past its critical temperature threshold several times. French fries will create liver congestion and toxicity and impair your ability to metabolize any dietary fats and oils.
Potato or Corn Chips — which have been deep-fried, are also rancid and toxic to the liver and extremely “fat storage provoking.”
Muffins, Crackers, Cookies, Pizza and Dried Cereal — are mostly white flour, sugar, heated oil and salt! They contain partially hydrogenated soybean and/or cottonseed oils, which are like plastic to your liver! These oils clog the liver and the gall bladder and make existing fat cells bigger!
The white flour acts like wallpaper paste in your intestine, slowing down transit time of digested food allowing it to rot in the intestine and impairing absorption of critically essential nutrients across the mucosal lumen. This combination of white flour, sugar and heated oil is a toxic insult to your livers’ detoxification system and creates an inability for it to perform its normal metabolic function of breaking down dietary fats and oils!
Soda Pop — is one of the greatest insults you can rail against your body! We call it “cancer in a can” because of the multiple negative effects it has on the body. Since every can contains 8-9 cubes of sugar, it convinces your body not to look for any other fuel source to burn creating a sort of pharmacological fat storage effect. “But I only drink diet” you say. There are several other very significant problems with sodas other than the sugar such as the phosphoric acid, which gives it the bubbles. Lemon juice is a pH of 3.2 which is very acidic but sodas are a pH of 3.5 — only a few tenths of a point less acidic! This acid ultimately leeches the calcium and other minerals out of your bones leading to osteoporosis and connective tissue weakness. This acidic pH also leaves your tissues oxygen deficient lowering your immune response and leaving you vulnerable to disease.
Sodas also contain colorings and preservatives which are toxic and “natural flavors” which is a code phrase for MSG (monosodium glutamate)! This flavoring agent causes water retention and swelling in the body as well as insomnia or restless sleep. The Nutrasweet in diet sodas is considered by researchers to be an “exitotoxin”, with the potential to cause neurological problems and liver toxicity.
Pork — which includes ham, sausage, hot-dogs, bacon, porkchops or anything else from our farm yard friends that oink.