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Together we can prevent, detect and reverse chronic illness utilizing Nutritional Medicine and better lifestyle habits.


We specialize in addressing chronic illness and improving function and performance.


Start your journey back to better health today.


Dr. David Serio has taken personalized healthcare and wellness to an unsurpassed level beyond what traditional healthcare provides. Since 1995 he has been helping patients overcome chronic illness utilizing advanced diagnostics and therapies. He’s carried out his mission by taking a systems approach to addressing the underlying cause while allowing symptomology to lead him down a successful course of treatment.

Dr. Serio’s core pillars of success are rooted in the philosophy of removing inducers and promoters of disease by focusing on deficiency, toxicity and infection. He works with patients to promote lifestyle changes that lead to reflexive habits providing improved function, performance and overall better health.

To learn more about Dr. Serio’s integrative approach for patients who seek answers to their health issues, call or schedule an appointment today.

David Serio, PhD


Dr. Serio has been involved in the fields of Nutritional Medicine, fitness, and wellness for over 25 years. Having a focus on Nutritional Biochemistry, he’s had the unique opportunity to work in a clinical setting with thousands of patients suffering from chronic illness.

David has advanced training in Applied Kinesiology and Functional/Nutritional Medicine. He spent 7 years as an intern under renowned Nutritional Biochemist Dr. Robert Marshall and was also mentored by Dr. Jeffrey Bland, professor of biochemistry and founder of the Institute For Functional Medicine.

He is constantly researching to discover and develop innovative products and therapies that can help solve some of our most significant health problems. David’s clarion call is that there’s always a solution. Dr. Serio maintains a private practice in Costa Mesa, CA, teaches seminars and has hosted a call-in radio show for health and fitness.